For the Public

Orphans' Court

The Orphans Court provides forms for auditing and administration, guardianship, Abortion Control Act, Register of Wills, model forms of account and foreign adoption. Access Register of Wills and Orphans' Court forms.

Note: For county-specific policies and forms, contact your local county court.

Non-Discrimination and Equal Employment Opportunity

The Unified Judicial System’s Policy on Non-Discrimination and Equal Employment Opportunity can be located here.

To file a harassment or discrimination complaint with the Unified Judicial System, click here to download the complaint form and view relevant complaint procedures.

Cover Sheet for Common Pleas Civil Filings

Note: The civil complaint form is for use in filing small claims. This form is also for use by tenants when filing complaints about landlords. You will need one copy of the civil complaint with original signature for the magisterial district judge. You will be charged filing costs and service costs when the complaint is filed at the district court. No changes may be made to the civil complaint form either in content or format.


Request for Order of Execution

Note: Pa.R.Crim.P. 575(D) prohibits requiring parties to attach proposed orders to their motions, but a party may include a proposed order if they think it would be helpful (Rule 575 Comment). AOPC is making these blank orders available as a convenience for the court or parties. The filing of this blank order is not mandatory.

Note: Pa.R.Crim.P. 575(D) prohibits requiring parties to attach proposed orders to their motions, but a party may include a proposed order if they think it would be helpful (Rule 575 Comment). AOPC is making these blank orders available as a convenience for the court or parties. The filing of this blank order is not mandatory.

Note: One copy of the landlord-tenant complaint with original signature is required for the magisterial district judge. You will be charged filing costs and service costs when the complaint is filed at the district court. No changes may be made to this form either in content or format.

Request for Order for Possession

201 PA Code, Chapter 40. Uniform rules governing court reporting and transcripts

Rule 4007(A). Requests for Transcripts: All requests for transcripts shall be set forth on a standardized form provided by the Court Administrator or a form prepared by the judicial district and approved by the Court Administrator. The form shall indicate the current rates authorized to be charged for transcripts under these rules.

Notice of Settlement and Withdrawal

Notice of Assignment of Judgment

Note: This form is to be used by private citizens when requesting criminal charges be filed against a defendant. Please note that Rule 506 of the Pennsylvania Rules of Criminal Procedure requires that when a private citizen completes this form, it must be submitted to the district attorney's office for approval before it can be filed in a Pennsylvania magisterial district court. It may be filed only in a Pennsylvania magisterial district court and not in the Philadelphia Municipal Court. No changes may be made to this form either in content or format without the express written approval of the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts.

Civil Protection Orders

A Protection from Abuse Order is for those people who are subject to abuse by a household member, family member or intimate partner of the plaintiff.

A Protection of Victims of Sexual Violence and/or Intimidation Order can be issued against a non-family member or even a complete stranger. (If you are filing a Petition for Protection from Sexual Violence and/or Intimidation, not the emergency petition, you must also submit the cover sheet for common pleas civil filings which is listed as a separate category above.)

Learn more about filing a protection order by watching the video below.

NOTE: During regular court hours, questions may be directed to the Prothonotary. If the court is unavailable (i.e. after hours, weekends, holidays), direct questions to law enforcement for information on the judge on call.

Órdenes de Protección Civiles

Una orden de protección contra el maltrato es para aquellas personas que son objeto de maltrato por un miembro de su hogar, miembro de su familia, o pareja íntima del querellante.

Una orden de protección para víctimas de violencia sexual y/o intimidación se solicita contra alguien que no es un familiar o incluso contra un total desconocido. (Si usted está solicitando una petición de protección por violencia sexual o intimidación, no la petición de emergencia, usted también tiene que completar la carátula (hoja informativa) para radicaciones civiles del tribunal de primera instancia que está listada por separado bajo su propia categoría anteriormente.)

AVISO: Durante horas laborables del tribunal, puede dirigir cualquier pregunta al Protonotario. Si el tribunal no está disponible (p. ej.: fuera de horas laborables, fines de semana y días feriados), puede dirigir sus preguntas a los agentes del orden público para información sobre el juez de turno.

Notice of Appeal from Summary Criminal Conviction