Committees, Boards & Advisory Groups
The Supreme Court is aided by select boards, committees, commissions and councils consisting of more than 180 appointed volunteers — most, but not all, are lawyers and judges.
The panels have a wide range of responsibilities and functions. Some make recommendations to the court for amendments, revisions or simplification of court procedural rules. Others regulate the practice of law, oversee continuing legal education for lawyers and administer funds to assist individuals unable to pay for legal services. Still others advise on keeping the courts free of bias and discrimination and on long-range planning.
How to Get Involved
The Supreme Court welcomes interest from members of the public in serving on its advisory boards and independent agencies within the judiciary. The Supreme Court is committed to ensuring diversity in its appointments. While most positions require legal training and experience, there are positions designated for non-attorneys as well. For attorney positions, the Court ordinarily considers applicants with at least seven years of relevant experience. Available positions are featured in the chart below and are updated at the beginning of each month as vacancies occur. The number of vacancies per year varies, but usually there are about 20. Mid-term vacancies will be posted. Click on the committee, board or commission to learn more about it.
Committee, board or advisory group | deadline for applicaion | membership requirements |
Board of Law Examiners | March 31, 2025 | Applicants must be members of the Pennsylvania bar or jurists. In addition, applicants should be knowledgeable about law school curriculum, legal practice and attorney ethical obligations. Law school faculty may not serve on this Board. Additionally, applicants should not apply for a membership position if, during that position’s term of service, they will have immediate family members who will be taking the bar examination or seeking membership in the Pennsylvania bar. |
Membership terms usually require a two-, four- or six-year commitment, with a possibility for reappointment for a second term for some bodies.
The time commitment varies by entity. For example, most Rules Committees meet three-to-four times a year at locations throughout the state. Meetings generally last from one to one and one-half days.
If you would like to be considered to serve on a board, committee, advisory group or related independent entity, email the application, cover letter, resume and other pertinent information expressing your reasons of interest to If you are unable to email documents, send them to Christopher Nace at the address listed at the top right of this page.
All applications will be retained for two years. In the event that additional positions become open on the committee or board for which an application was submitted, those retained applications will be considered for those openings within the two-year period.
The application requires applicants to answer whether criminal charges or formal charges of professional misconduct have ever been filed against the applicant. Applicants must inform the Court if there are any changes to that answer during the two-year retention period. Applicants should submit that information through the same address used to file the application.
The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania appreciates your desire to participate in this service. There is no compensation for service. All inquiries will receive thoughtful and careful consideration based on the need for specific experience and expertise.