Pennsylvania Courts Provide Update on Biennial Disaster Recovery Exercise
March 21, 2025
On Sunday, March 23, the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts Information Technology Department will conclude its biennial disaster recovery exercise.
This planned event is the third in a three-part series of system simulations, intended to provide critical training and technical experience to court information technology teams so that in the event of an actual cyber event, teams can respond quickly and appropriately to protect and maintain critical IT systems and data.
As a result of this exercise, all statewide court data systems will be unavailable on Sunday, March 23 from 8 am to Noon.
The statewide systems involved in these exercises include Magisterial District Judge System, Common Pleas Case Management System, PA Case Management System, UJS Web Portal (PAePay, PACFile, Guardianship Tracking System, DA Link, docket sheets), Data Hub, and other ancillary case management system related applications, interfaces, and services.
Media Contacts: Stacey Witalec – 717-877-2997