Franklin County Drug Treatment Court To Hold Graduation Ceremony
March 12, 2025
On Thurs., March 13 at 5 p.m., Judge Jeremiah Zook will oversee the ceremony celebrating the graduation of three participants from Franklin County Drug Treatment Court at the Franklin County Courthouse in the Historic Courtroom.
“Our graduates have demonstrated their commitment to a lifetime in recovery and have engaged the resources available to them to change how they think, how they feel and who they are as a person,” said Judge Zook.
“They graduate because they have achieved personal responsibility and are no longer afraid to ask for help when they are in need. Congratulations to the graduates and we invite the community to join us for this celebration of recovery and changed lives."
The Good Wolf Treatment Court is Franklin County's intensive commitment to addressing addiction issues in criminal defendants, with the ultimate goal of preventing future criminal behavior. The mission of the program is to ensure public safety through the facilitation of a judicially-supervised intensive substance abuse/mental health treatment program that encompasses individualized intensive treatment, intensive probation supervision, case management and related services to the participant.
There are currently more than 130 treatment court programs in Pennsylvania – including Veterans Courts, Mental Health Courts, Adult Drug Courts, Family Drug Courts, DUI Courts, Re-Entry Drug Court, Juvenile Drug Courts and Adult Drug/DUI Hybrid Courts. The purpose of these treatment courts is to reduce recidivism and help individuals return to their jobs and families and become productive citizens.
Media contact: Casey Scheffler, 610-425-1712