
Montgomery County Drug Treatment Court Holds Graduation Ceremony

News Article

March 11, 2025

Today at 4:15 p.m., Judge Steven T. O’Neill will oversee the ceremony celebrating the graduation of two participants from Montgomery County Drug Treatment Court at the Montgomery County Courthouse in Courtroom “B”.    

“Treatment courts represent a pronouncement from those in authority to some of our least powerful and most ignored citizens who suffer with a substance use disorder, that we care about you and want to reach out and help you recover, and that your lives and wellbeing are important to us,” Judge O’Neill said.

This is the 184th graduation, with 856 graduates over the program’s 18 years.

The mission of the Montgomery County Treatment Courts is to promote public safety and reduce recidivism by identifying and diverting justice-involved individuals diagnosed with substance use disorder and/or serious mental illness into an appropriate diversionary program.

There are currently more than 130 treatment court programs in Pennsylvania – including Veterans Courts, Mental Health Courts, Adult Drug Courts, Family Drug Courts, DUI Courts, Re-Entry Drug Court, Juvenile Drug Courts and Adult Drug/DUI Hybrid Courts. The purpose of these treatment courts is to reduce recidivism and help individuals return to their jobs and families and become productive citizens.




Media contact: Casey Scheffler, 610-425-1712

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