Traffic citations in school zones drop during 2020
News Article
August 13, 2021
In Pennsylvania, there was a 62 percent decrease in school zone traffic violations from 2019-2020. Over the last five years, 28,357 drivers were cited for either speeding in school zones or illegally passing a school bus.
The infographic below highlights key data and demographics about traffic citations in school zones in Pennsylvania over the last five years. Download a high-resolution version of the graphic. County-level detail is provided at the end of the release.
PA Courts InfoShare is a monthly product of the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts (AOPC) that visually highlights the work of the courts with interesting data and statistics obtained through the judiciary’s case management systems, interactive dashboards and other research. Reproduction is permissible with source cited.
Media contact: Kimberly Bathgate, 717-231-3331